Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"I Should'a , I Could'a, I Would'a"

These 20/20 hindsight expressions have ruined many businesses.

Today's business operations must have a Management capability and style that is focused on a tested and a definitive path that creates business net income along with future growth and security.

I find that too many shop owners are not willing to admit that they really don't know the detailed required to resolving shop issues affecting business outcome. Their attitude, actions and approach to issues confirms that. Their own ego, and in many cases their own insecurities, get in the way. It is later that they realized they were in error, too embarrassed to ask in the first place and they repeat the 20/20 hindsight expressions.

Today's shop business is complex and very detailed. No one really does know it all and therefore it is important to have key business resources to draw upon for continuous input and advice. Today's modern and successful shop owners have the contacts to seek out the right solution for a given problem. It is impossible to be an island and be successful in this day and age.

As a shop owner, consider your depth of skill and resource relationships that you have nurtured and where you have the ability to draw upon at the right time. Keep these relationships strong and never take them for granted.

Consider developing a coaching and mentor relationship as well. I have found the businesses today that have this in place are always above average in their business performance in every category. There has to be merit to this process or it would not continue year over year.

20/20 hindsight is not the way to move forward. A continuous knowledge and support structure in place throughout your business followed with confident execution will bring you the results you are looking for.

If you are unclear about how to create this environment, I would be happy to take your call to discuss and clarify it for you......1-800-267-5497.


Ralph Jarvis said...

how true.
we don't maintain or repair cars the same way as 10 years ago, so why should your business be able run as it did 10 years ago. change, adapt, evolve, all forward thinking rules.

if you don't know then ask, but if you do know, then we should seek out those that need direction.

Anonymous said...

I agree, ever changing tools, cars, technoligy, yet the majority of the shop owners still run on a business model from 20 years ago. Its a sad reality, and we need to change it. Good blog Bob, keep it up!!

Doug Lowther

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