Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Many shop owners have invested the time to learn how to manage their shop in today's new realities. This is excellent and they must be applauded for that commitment made to their business. Now they return to the real world of the aftermarket after the course with great intentions and are faced with the incredible day to day distracting noise within the industry.

The changes required to the shop are substantial and will take, on average, 2 to 3 years to fully implement, but the biggest impediment to making the change will always be Management's self discipline to get it done.

Self discipline is everything in moving a business forward today. Self discipline is only controlled by one person and is no one else's responsibility. Self discipline will be the key measurement in the end when evaluation takes place as to why the business succeeded or why the business failed.

It takes a lot of guts to remain disciplined to see things through as the owner/manager now must re-enter business territory that they have purposely tried to avoid in the past. Two examples include:

1. Owner/managers are not comfortable with confronting a long-term staff member to see if they can change to get them on board to create a TEAM concept within the shop. No one likes staff confrontation but in some cases it must be done as you need the right people and the right attitude on the bus.

2. Owner/managers find it difficult to insert the new day to day measurement disciplines required today as they now must work closer with the bookkeeper, knowing they are not an expert or even comfortable discussing accounting formats but they must learn to do so in order for the business to move forward.

The owner/manager is facing many personal internal fears when making changes to the business, but the changes must be made IF the bottom-line opportunities are going to be realized.

In the end it is clearly acknowledged that running a professional automotive service shop today is the most complex business in the retail world. If it was easy, everyone would embrace it. Knowledge, pure guts and incredible self-discipline are required to "get it done".

Are you one of the select few entrepreneurs who will be enjoying an incredible and rewarding business career moving forward into the next 5 to 7 years of the aftermarket or will you end up being a historical footnote in our industry?

Look in the mirror. Talk the truth to yourself. You now have the knowledge and all the resources at your disposal to succeed. Use them. Believe in yourself. Push yourself each and every day. Be proud of who you are and what you and your business stand for in delivering integrity, service and quality to your business clients and your community.

You CAN do it!!

1 comment:

glen matthew said...

Self Discipline!

Yes, the topic of self discipline is paramount to one's success in this highly competitive aftermarket industry. It is the key ingredient for not only the shop owner's success but also the supplier to that shop.

The ability to see value in win win scenarios between supplier and shop owner is a form of self displine that goes beyond the ordinary. It is a form of self discipline and buiness maturity that recognizes both parties' needs to be successful.

Much like that employee that needs to be confronted, on occasion the supplier must be self discplined and communicate to the shop its business needs. This is not an easy task. Especially, when one considers the perameters of the industry and the luxury that the shop enjoys to shop around for a "better" deal.

I raise my glass and toast those shop owners and suppliers who have the ability to embrace the highest levels of self discipline and business maturity. One where the relationship between supplier and shop owner is founded on self discipline and focused on mutually beneficial Win Win scenarios!

Glen Matthew
Automtive Parts Distributors
Marketing Manager

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