Saturday, May 29, 2010

Perhaps It Is Time To Step Back And Take A Deep Breath

Let's face it, there has been a lot of stress this year so far, but, let's think this through. Are you caught up in your business as like the "Y" generation and expect instant gratification or do you truly realize the realistic time frame to get things done. This is not a cop out. The fact is staff must come "up to grade" faster than ever before, that is the "Professionalism" of our sector, but that relates to effective training on a given topic. What I am referring to is, does Management truly understand "Investment" into the business. The fact is every shop owner and every Jobber has been "taught by the industry" to think that a dollar spent is an "expense" and watch your "expenses" every day. This creates a powerful but potentially negative mind-set. No one throughout the industry has the image or reputation to be known for discussing "Investment" into the business and how it works and how do you measure it. Now think about this, it creates a huge dilemma. If a dollar spent is an expense, how do you see any dollar spent as an investment?

Instant gratification is not realistic, however the internet has taught the current generation to expect it. You see it in every child today that is under 20 years old. Has that mentality affected how you think about your business? If it has you could be heading for serious trouble.

The facts are these: To change a business culture and invoke the right processes and disciplines with this fast pace and intricacy connected and technological world will take you 2 to 3 years to fix or implement!! I'm sorry this is the reality check you need to hear. I did not say you would like a warm fuzzy message. In the Aftermarket we must "LEARN" to deal with reality and the longer you have been in this business, the harder it is, and on the other hand the shorter time you have been exposed to the full industry the more frustrated you are feeling about how things evolve.

Let's all take a deep breath and refocus. For the "older crowd" in the Wholesale side of the industry, it is time to understand "investment". We must make a large amount of investment dollars because consider how rapidly the Aftermarket sector has "evolved" in the past 5 years compared to the last 20 that you have been involved with. Make the investment and it will serve you well IF your plan is focused on the future success of your clientele.

To the retail side, it is time to catch up to the modern world BUT you must have a comprehensive plan to do so. That been said I am confident in saying 80% of the Aftermarket shops do not have a plan. This puts the Aftermarket sector in a very vulnerable position. Now what?

Shop owners MUST start thinking about the next 3 to 7 years. It is irrelevant how tight your Cash flow is today. That will be sorted out in "time" if you have a plan AND the resources focused on making it happen. Anything else or other "quick Fix" is a pipe dream. Time for a reality check. If you are not prepared to make the required investment to deal with and understand today's realities, then perhaps it truly is time for you to get out of business. This sector of the automotive industry is the most exciting but most challenging to be embraced. If you are not up for it, them may I facetiously say maybe it's time you go into the funeral home business.

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