Sunday, July 18, 2010

Continuing to Say "No" or "Not Now" is Not The Right Answer

Let's face it, the times are different than what you are accustomed to. You have been in business in excess of 10 years and you do not "trust" the industry. Let's consider the new realities:

1). Jobbers and WD's have always said they have an important message for you and they even labeled it under the topic of "Business Management" criteria. You went to their presentation on your valuable time and found out it was nothing more than a sales pitch to move more product that they sell. They even called you an "Installer", of which you are nothing close to being in this new era. You interpret, you diagnose, and you complete a detailed full service which is now customized to your clients needs. You truly are a Professional "Service Provider" in today's realities.

It's time to look for and pay attention to the better Jobbers who have invested in knowledge of your business and now understand that education,...... they now get it. They have taken the time and made the investment to "step outside of the box" and deal with the aftermarket reality and especially it's past history which created nothing but stress and mistrust between the shop owner and the parts supplier. For the supplier, times have dramatically changed and they truly realize the struggle you, as a shop owner, are in, and now, finally, understand the role they must play to ensure your business succeeds. They need you more than ever. You need a great parts supplier more than ever. They will now play a pivotal role in your business, but you also must understand that you play a pivotal role in the future of their business. They want YOU as a client of their parts business. They finally get it. It is time to secure this type of relationship and put the supplier to the test however before fingers are pointed, you too must come to the table for them as they require parts volume paid in full each month. That is their business. He/she either gets it, or he/she does not. YOU either "get it" or you do not!! I believe YOU will know on both fronts! How negative are you in your thinking?

2). Are you, the shop owner, truly the problem? Have times changed so rapidly that you have a tough time to address change yourself especially when it comes to business relationships? Today's business is all about relationships. You are in an industry where "change" is now the norm. You have to understand this and the new era of business relationships and must not bury your head in the sand. That result could end up killing you with stress which in turn affects your personal life and your business life. Change your attitude and embrace change. It isn't easy but you are not alone. You now have key opportunities where you can meet and get together with other shop owners experiencing the same reality and address the future together. Seek these opportunities out. The future is very bright, but you have to be willing to address it. You can not shoot any idea or concept down without proper due diligence. Investigate all the parameters properly. Stop "prejudging" when you have not looked at or tested the facts. Emotions are not reality. That is your past haunting you!

3). We have too many shop owners in the industry who have a huge inferiority complex. They are afraid to enter business courses or address the new reality for fear they will not understand it, OR, "feel" stupid, OR, "look" stupid in class in their mind. Any instructor who does that, take to task you are far from own a shop and you understand complex vehicle technology. That instructor is NOT professional. Get your money back. It is now time to get on with the new learning curve that must be taken BUT you as as shop owner must take the FIRST step. Procrastination is not the answer, it is only an excuse for you to embrace. Why can you go "hunting" for a week to 10 days but you won't address your business for 3 or 4 days??? Come on...admit the facts.

4). Do you feel guilty about being financially successful? I think many shop owners do as their past, since high school, beat them down so much that they can not visualize themselves earning $150K to $200K a year (in 2010 dollars) for their families income out of their business, plus a shop business bottom line, coupled with 6 to 8 weeks holidays per year. They "think" they have to "rip people off" to accomplish that standard or could never happen in my marketplace. WAKE UP.....PLEASE... this is the era of "knowledge" in the aftermarket and you have the opportunity to embrace it and enjoy the outcome as a true "Profession", BUT nothing will happen for you and your family until YOU take the plunge and embrace the change that is here and in front of us today.

Do not use the excuse "sounds great but will not fit in my market"..........stop this excuse driven reason for your circumstances..........people are people and once we address everyone with scincerity, one on one, mountains can be moved.

Please join the new reality and embrace the culture of re-learning the business over again to ensure you can change the quality of your families life and set your business up for a proper sale when it comes to the time to let it go's called succession.

Want proof? Watch the video on my home page as Rob Brouwer operating in Ottawa Ontario, unscripted, discusses his experiences.

Got a question? Please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-800-267-5497. This number comes directly to me.

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