Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Greatest Battle You Will Fight Is The One Between Your Desire To Improve And Your Fear Of Improvement

A very good friend and confident challenged me with this thought and I could not help but to think how many people, companies and associations it applies to within the Aftermarket Industry. Why are we so afraid of DRAMATIC change when in reality we are so far behind the world in our structures, processes and attitudes.

Our sector of the automotive industry has so many incredible opportunities coming in front of it due to vehicle technology development and weak consumer confidence. Yet I watch and listen to people and companies looking at EVERYTHING they do as a "COST" with every dollar leaving their door. Where is the "INVESTMENT" attitude? Where are the people and companies who clearly see what is in front of us for at least the next 7 years and say "Let's go get it, what development do we have to invest in today to secure our major portion of it as we move forward?"

The Aftermarket has traditionally been made up of "trade" type people.......that's how we see ourselves as a sector of the automotive industry. You know, high school grads,even high school drop outs, no real higher academic education, work hard, play of hard knocks and real life situations has been the major player in the industries evolution/education....we like to see and touch what we do rather than THINK it out or create a VISION as to where we want to/can go; we simply have a show me and then do it for me mentality.

We have lost any will to be progressive because seemingly we totally fear what it may do to us. This is a battle every individual within the Aftermarket is truly struggling with.

We need vocal leadership within our sector of the industry. A person or people within a company or industry organization who gets it and is prepared to STAND UP.....and EXPLAIN ...WHERE and HOW their company or organization is going to contribute to this modern day Profession. They must be ready to take ridicule from people who can't see it, criticism from closed minded has beans,willing to cross the line, if you will, against all commentary because they see and understand the opportunity. They know the change is the right thing to do. They will want to bring their peers on board to embrace the NEW thinking, the new outlook, the new opportunities, the new reality to better our lives and NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT DOING SO.

We are in a battle to progress the Aftermarket for the next generation so they can embrace and enjoy a career which will provide everyone with a quality of life never seen before. Is that a wrong thing to do? I don't think so. I'm willing to take the criticism and ridicule but I will also simply look those people in the eye and ask "what are they doing to make things better?"................or is it simply a reality statement that comes out stating "It's all about them today, get over it!".


Glynn Jones said...

Greenwood, what are you talking about? I honestly must be missing something here. Last week you were talking about "every dollar going out of the shop is an expense", This week "it's an investment". So which is it, an expense, or an investment? To me, these words have two different connotations. "Look at the money I can make" compared to "Look how much it's costing me". I think you should be a little more clearer on what you mean by this. Also last week you were talking about added value, what the heck is that all about? In your courses you talk about brining added value to your clients, now you changed your mind? I like added value, I like fresh coffee, I like having the bird poop being washed off of my car, or my windows being washed. I like things like that. I don't know why you seem to suddenly have an issue with it.

Now as you know, I used to focus solely on the Automotive Aftermarket, but I am now able to expand my focus into other sectors of the Transportation / Automotive Industry. The difference is amazing, on one hand I see companies focused on investment and oppurtunity and on the other hand, well..., maybe not so much. You know the Human Race is very interesting, we are afraid of change until the pain of what is, becomes greater than the pain of what might be. The oppurtunities in this industry are there and I agree with you. I think that the Proffessionals in this industry, at all levels, should stand up and start to talk about how bright the future is. To help the Shop owners, the Tech's and the future generations that this industry needs to overcome their fear of change and to make the necessary investment in their lives so this industry thrives and provides the making of a great career.

Glynn Jones
Veyance Technologies
Goodyear Engineered Products

Anonymous said...

so, in short, cost=loss over time? yet
investment = proffit over time?.
the cost of doing business as a hole IS an investment or the business is failing.
the extra investments can speed up the growth of the business if spent in the right place.
finding the right place to invest is the hard part and i think thats why shops are not willing to take the "risk".
in other words these same people are not taking advantage of the opportunity due to the fact they cant find the profit in it............

Anonymous said...

"the investor is the one who decides if its a cost or investment"

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