Friday, November 25, 2011

Never Support the Status Quo If It Is not Working

Everyone knows the definition of "Insanity"...doing the same thing over but expecting different results.

Are you prepared to go to the wall for "Change"?

Will you stand up, be vocal and ensure you are not guilty that you are still embracing the old ways instead of embracing the change that our industry must address?

Examples include:

- Good bye to Flat Rate pay for technicians and say Hello to hourly pay based on "Competency" of the technician? Flat rate for Diagnostic time is totally NOT realistic and the shop must come up to reality in its thinking, understanding of the new world and understand the new reality of what truly is our business on behalf of a client?

- Good bye to old bonus structures and say hello to a full Company Profit Sharing Plan with everyone involved from the bookkeeper to the front counter to the technicians?

- Good bye to night training for technical staff and say Hello to fully paid day training courses like every other PROFESSION out there?

- Pre-plan 2012 training (Technical & Business Management) courses now? Where and when in "North America" are they being held and get your company enrolled now?

- Work diligently to bring together a TEAM compared to individualistic objectives that in reality only serve the financial interests of the owner first .....compared to PROFESSIONS that focus on the CLIENT and build a reputation for excellence and uniqueness....... which leads to higher profitability for ALL that are involved?

Simple examples of status Quo and old thinking in our industry.

Are you ready for a defined change that takes our industry to a higher level of thinking, performance and measurement or are you one who insists that the old philosophy and measurement is the only thing we can survive on? Good point you you talk about and say "survival"....instead of moving forward in a positive manner and encourage everyone at every level of our industry to embrace "a life" .......... a direction which this industry so desperately needs.

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